By crappingrapping - 21/05/2013 15:01 - United States

Today, I thought the public restroom I was in was empty, so I started rapping. I realized the room was not empty when, recognizing the song, the person one stall over joined in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 213
You deserved it 43 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As weird as it sounds, I really wish I had been there.

Because when when you're alone on the toilet, your inner rapper bursts out.


Toilet bonding is the best kind there is.

Nothing wrong with that unless your like me and don't like be in there when other people are around. But on the bright side they liked and sang with ya instead of yelling at ya to shut up. Or start singing a different song

avapaige1234 19

Sounds like a scene from High School Musical except that they were at the canteen, not the restroom lol

rosylinehaha 5

I actually find it pretty cool. Would love to join in myself

CaptainCommenter 6

That's fantastic! Wish that would happen to me. Problem is, I don't use public toilets, too mainstream.

roflstomp716 19


BlackBlazeCobra 16

That sounds awesome actually.

mantiquillas 2

I am going to attempt this :P

That akward moment when you read rapping as fapping...