By crappingrapping - 21/05/2013 15:01 - United States

Today, I thought the public restroom I was in was empty, so I started rapping. I realized the room was not empty when, recognizing the song, the person one stall over joined in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 213
You deserved it 43 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As weird as it sounds, I really wish I had been there.

Because when when you're alone on the toilet, your inner rapper bursts out.


catsie_fml 14

That's got to be a little bit awkward. Check under the stalls next time...

This isn't really a FYL moment. It sounds fun! Should of came out of the stall and gave em a high five when they were done :P

hannahsnyder69 16

That's not an FML, that's just plain awesome

It's something entertaining aside from just waiting or going through your phone.,.

What's so bad about that? The other person joined in, that means they are just as fun-loving as you are and have the same taste in music. Sounds like you met a nice stranger, count yourself lucky! They could have laughed at you and mocked your singing talent, that would have been an FML.

That's embarrassing. I wonder what it was like getting up and seeing them after

I've heard of singing in the shower, but... Rapping on the toilet?

Is this how you became known as the Fresh Pinch of Smell-Air?

Don't be ashamed, I sing show tunes while I shit and opera while I pee, it's totally natural