By anonymous - 30/01/2010 00:08 - France

Today, I told my best friend I was breaking up with my girlfriend of 3 years. He thought it would be funny to tell her I was going to propose to her that night. She showed up telling me how much she loves me and that when we get married how great it will be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 130
You deserved it 7 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Your friend is such a d*ck! Poor girl. As if getting your heart broken isn't bad enough. :(


More a **** HER life. You had to hurt someone more bad than you expected and of course that sucks, but she's the one that expected a proposal but got broken up with.

mgblaskewicz 0

you're friend might be one of the most amazing people ever!

Anon17564 3

Isn't it just soooooo koooooolz to be a complete and utter fuckwad with no empathy for anybody but yourself and no foresight at all? Grow a pair, kid.

That was really mean to your girlfriend. You should tell her what he did. Maybe she'll go kick him in the nuts. He'd deserve it.

#27 or she will kick him in the nuts. him being the closest target and it being his fault for gossiping about it like a little girl rather than handling it like a man.

So it's gossip for somebody to say "hey dude, i'm thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend."? I mean, if he like sent a mass text to 30 friends saying it then yeah, but telling your BEST FRIEND stuff is most definitely. And him "not handling it like a man" would have been if he had told that best friend to tell the girl to save himself.

Her life is ******. I bet she told everyone and is completely embarrassed.

seabrook 7

what a D A dude i would be choking him out

It's more like FHL, Today i was told my boyfriend best friend that he going to propose to me tonite, soon i went out to buy a lingere and already called a wedding planner. then when i saw him, i told him i love him and then he begins to say where breaking up and i went home and had a bottle of wine in my lingere FML :D hey OP lie to her and tell her your moving across town due to a emergency and while you'll be away you'll lose love interest in her.

babylon_pride 0

Your best friend is an ass. But a funny ass. Still, how could your girlfriend not know something was wrong? If you were ready to break up with her?

SupaSwaggin 0

i feel horrible for the girl!!! Obviously she has major feelings for you after three do you just throw three years away overnight? YDI for being a heartless man.

He's a heartless man? Obviously the guy realized after three years he didn't want to be with her. Which is more heartless, sticking around to make her happy even though he'll stop caring about her in a meaningful way, wasting both of their times? Or breaking up with her because he's tired of her? I love the people who get mad at someone for ending any relationship longer than a year. They act like the person ending it is such a jerk, but we have no clue how much he dislikes being with her because she's annoying.

CheshireHalli 19

He's not heartless. He did her a favor. He released her so they could both find happiness, rather than be stuck in a dead-end relationship. The last option would make him heartless. OP: FYL. I'm sorry you have a ******** friend. I'd hit him.

Yeah really. It's not like we know the situation...the girl could be some controlling bitch for all we know. And 3 years isn't that long before parents dated for SEVEN years and still ended up not knowing each other once they married.

But leading her on for three years is not only cruel, it's cowardly. If the relationship weren't meant to be, unless he was totally ignorant, he would've realized it a long time ago. He deserved it for not being true to himself and hurting someone else in the process.

samhat 0

Not true. It wasnt leading her on or cowardly. He might have been afraid to tell her how he really felt. Something might have happened between them where he didnt feel the same about her. He could possibly not see the relationship going anywhere. Some people stick around becasue they think that things will get better after a longer period of time, but then realize its not going to. There are so many reasons why he couldve decided to break up with her.

Tomaino 3

Sometimes things change after three years. We don't know the situation, but to claim that this person is a bad person for dating a woman for three years then breaking up with her is claiming that everyone who breaks up after a long period of time is bad. That's just ridiculous. He might have been happy up to this point. Maybe something else changed, maybe one of them has to move, maybe she cheated, none of us can know, but based on this FML, I don't see how he did a single thing wrong.