By anonymous - 30/01/2010 00:08 - France

Today, I told my best friend I was breaking up with my girlfriend of 3 years. He thought it would be funny to tell her I was going to propose to her that night. She showed up telling me how much she loves me and that when we get married how great it will be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 130
You deserved it 7 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Your friend is such a d*ck! Poor girl. As if getting your heart broken isn't bad enough. :(


YDI for not telling her first yourself. Show some respect.

Tomaino 3

It's a serious decision and he probably wanted to discuss it with his friends. I think it's completely fine and normal and healthy that he talked it out with his friends first.

Aww that is so mean. Find a new "best friend."

I'm all for playing jokes on your friends, but that's just not the way to go.

Alyxbabex0x 0

haha Yea You Deffinetly Deserved That .. Thats ****** up But Why did You Breakup With Her After 3 Years .. Now Shes Probably Heart Broken ... haha Was There Another Girl ?

Tomaino 3

He deserves it because he was with her for three years? Does that mean that once you've been with someone for a long enough time, you're an asshole if you break up, even if you don't love each other anymore and neither of you are happy? That's ridiculous.

Holy shit...your friend is a DICK. But in a way, you deserved it. Not for breaking up with her...but for telling your friend before you did it. sucks way more that your friend would do that.

hahahahahahaahahahahahaha. your friend is my hero

You should tell him that his girlfriend confided in you that she's pregnant and believes that there is a reasonably good chance that he is the father.