By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 20:35 - Netherlands

Today, I told my boyfriend I wouldn't be able to get any time off work to go to Mexico with him, and that we'd have to get our tickets refunded, and reschedule. He said not to bother, and that he already had someone else in mind to take with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 696
You deserved it 5 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hope you told him you had someone else in mind to be your boyfriend


wriptidez 0
Lilith11 3

What if the person he had in mind was actually his best friend, who's birthday is soon? come on.

xweon 8

Why should he suffer because u decide to be no fun?

let him go. the trip was already planned and he probably thought ahead enough to get time off. later when you can get time off, enjoy a nice vacation with one of your friends. meanwhile, think of time away from your boyfriend as "me time."go do things he doesn't like to do.

Ydi for planning a trip to Mexico. Did you want to get killed by drug lords?

Everyone is so quick to judge the boyfriend but it really depends. What if the girlfriend is constantly breaking plans, never shows up, always reschedules, delays. Then this guy has been trying to plan this vacation for months, prepays for the tickets, she says she has the time off and then bam. Sorry again, can't make it. I'd get pissed and go too. Why can't you get time off? Didn't you get it approved prior to buying tickets? Tell your job tough shit and go on the vacation you planned for with your boyfriend.

I would tell you the same thing. Get tickets refunded my arse. You have nerve to "tell" hime to get the tickets refunded. Hell no

lvl19virgin 0

Wow you people are a bunch of faggots.

aww that suks for u..but it could like be a friend or dont get too upset OP...maybe ur bf is upset or something that u cant take time of and made that comment..but let him go meanwhile girl u can partyyy and have fun with your girlfriends!!!!