By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 15:51 - United States - South Sioux City

Today, I told my family I was divorcing my husband. My little sister asked if "we can keep him instead". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 952
You deserved it 7 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's a bit odd. How old is your little sister, OP?

I visit my ex uncle more than my blood aunt haha funny how things work out.


Let them have him if your not happy get out

Maybe the kid has taste, I mean kids are extremely honest right?

Um sibling rivalry. She probably didn't mean it. Plus all siblings dislike each other, especially if their young

Hopefully a joke! You're family should support you not him. Even if they like him a lot!

You could have replied, 'no, little sister.... You're not getting my hand me downs this time...."

dr_snow_bear 29

That would have been a sick burn!

I divorced my wife, not my in-laws. They see me more than they see her. Even after 20 years

18-If you are smarter than your relatives how come you spelt "possibly" and "doesn't" incorrectly? You have to judge yourself before judging most cases.

shibler2 2

I told my sister that when she and my brother in-law were having problems.....