By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 00:33 - United States - Durham

Today, I told my friend I would pay him to ask out the ugliest girl he knew. He asked out my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 943
You deserved it 52 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You totally deserved it!!! It's rude of you to even make someone do that. What if the girl found out the actual truth as to why your friend asked her out.


thats horrible , lets hope your girlfriend doesnt find out what you done behind her back =

I hope she does. He doesn't deserve her.

So is the FML supposed to be that your friend thinks your girlfriend is ugly? You're lucky to have a girlfriend at all if you get your kicks from childish 'humour' and making other people feel bad about themselves.

It's more than a little bit funny.... It's hilarious!

I'm sure he did that to mess with you.

**** your girlfriend's life. You on the other hand ... I can't say I really have any sympathy for you. I hate people who make dares that just make others more insecure than they already are.