By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 00:33 - United States - Durham

Today, I told my friend I would pay him to ask out the ugliest girl he knew. He asked out my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 943
You deserved it 52 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You totally deserved it!!! It's rude of you to even make someone do that. What if the girl found out the actual truth as to why your friend asked her out.


I've heard of girls who have had pranks like that done to them and their insecurities skyrocketed. They struggle to think of themselves as attractive and whenever a guy does seem to be interested in them they think that he's just another asshole who's toying with her emotions. YDI completely. You have no idea how something like that can damage a person's self esteem and to think that's funny just shows what kind of a person you are. I hope that your girlfriend finds out about this and ends up leaving you for someone who isn't an asshole. She deserves better.

Easy money no way possible she would say yes due to her being taken...good thinking...

pere 11

It just goes to show that beauty or uglyness is often open to interpretation; also you're an immature dick.

How could you even think this would end well? Even if you are handsome on the outside, on the inside you are one ugly person, as is your friend. Karma is a bitch and you are now on here list.

skittyskatbrat 19

Your friend is a BOSS. Except for his crap taste in friends, that is.

So it's okay to be a dick to other girls, just not the girls you deem immune to your dick-itude.

You two are assholes, and your girlfriend deserves better. Hopefully she dumps your pathetic ass.