By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend I needed someone to talk to because I just found out my aunt has cancer. She told me to talk to her in an hour, Spongebob was on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 128
You deserved it 5 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

briedis 0

I love Spongebob :D But yeah, pretty insesitive girlfriend...

Spongebob is an hour long? Some girlfriend..


Wow, #9 you're married at 19? I can't wait to read the FML for that in 4-6 months. OP, dude, Spongebob will cheer you up way more than your ignorant bitch of a girlfriend.

Dude, what a bitch. On the bright side maybe she thought it was an april fool's joke and will feel bad later? and #42, no need to be so pessimistic. one of my best friends got married at 18 and she and her husband are completely in love. She's 20 now and they're been married 2 years, dating for 6. so keep your pessimistic stereotypes to yourself.

@#43: Wow, 2 years? You totally proved me wrong. It's a stereotype for a reason. Can't wait till they get to split up when one of them goes to college. Oh wait, neither of them will because they got married at 18, I forgot they don't let idiots into college. Maybe if they're lucky they can work at the same Wal-mart.

excuse me, Misanthropist, one of my friends got married at 18 or 19 and is now 23 with a kid and one on the way and guess what, he's in college so stop acting like you're better than everyone.

sorry about your aunt. Dont date immature worthless bitches.

#46, I am better than everyone, ya dig? Can't wait until he finds a better girl in college with no kid and a future! So many potential FMLs :) Enjoy your day kiddies.

way to ignore the fact that you were wrong about people who get married in their late teens going to college. and just because your life sucks doesn't mean everyone's life is going to fall apart, ya dig?

King_of_Kings 3

#49 Well, if everyone's life fell apart no one would be stupid enough to try, there has to be a few exceptions that make the rule. :) Also, my life is awesome, just like me. #50, Nice! *air high-five*