By sadsadlady - 14/12/2009 20:25 - Canada

Today, I told my husband that while he was away I had had a miscarriage. His response? "If you can't take care of our baby while it is still inside you, how can I trust you to take care of it when it comes out?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 3 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's effed up I mean, REALLY effed up Damn.

WTF. I hope this isn't true. if it is then you need to leave him. That is one of the cruelest, hurtful insensitive things Ive heard in a long time. My wife and I lost our first child 4 years ago to a miscarriage and I still get upset by it, thankfully we have 2 beautiful children now. leave that loser.


jorgetheleader 0

thats helllllllllllla funny. but sooo ****** up, ahahaha

marina1996 5

you know what else would have been hella funny. if you hadnt been the sperm cell that won.

dragonflygal 0

sounds like he's using it to blame you for his guilt. he's hiding something...

tht sucks. At least he doesnt think you killed it though - going from 'holy shit, what am i going to do?' to 'aaw man, im on my own again' is bad enough, without idiot boyfriends thinking that you killed it, idiot boyfriends who despite your age, still think that you should raise the kid together. It's these kinds of things that makes you ridiculously overeact to everything and throw a table at the wall of your english literature classroom. im sorry for your loss, whether you planned the pregnancy or not.

You're in Newfoundland, right? People fall off fishing boats all the time in Newfoundland . . .

lovestinks456 0

what the ****!!!! that must have been hard for you!!! I I was him I would comfort you and say we could try again!!! DIVORCE the ass!!

lacyrenee 0

 does he realize that having a miscarriage does not necessarily mean that you wernt taking good care of your self, but could mean that the baby wasn't healthy to begin with, and probably wouldn't have survived?? my sister had a miscarriage and the doctor said it wa normal. FYI: your husband is PSYCHO and INSANE and doesn't care about anyone but HIMSELF.