By tooearly - 01/01/2012 08:31 - United States

Today, I told my mom I was going to a New Year's party. She told me to be back by midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 998
You deserved it 3 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just say she didn't specify a time zone. Hawaii has midnight too

chels1994 11


kristena103 14

Isn't that good that ur mother is letting u stay out for long? Unless u want it to be longer

I am not sure whos fuckes up more . The op or the comments here . First of all new years should be spent with family first its a priority dumbfucks his mom is just wanting him to spend some time with him and then he can go do whateve the **** he wants its just rude not spending time with family priority is first guys cmon. Whosve does that is a cold ************

Ok, I'll admit it, I have no friends, my best friend is my right hand. We have many conversations about my shoes. My parents are brother and sister, I grew up in a cave, my birthday cake was a car tire.

Sweet! Now you don't have to come back until next year!!! ...wait a moment

zebralover23 14

At least she didn't say 11:59 , but was she kidding, hahah

My mother told me the same thing, and when I said "that defeats the purpose of going out", she tried to guilt trip me about not spending time with the family. Sheesh.