By Sydney - 15/01/2013 23:16 - United States - Houston

Today, I told my mom we get Monday off due to Martin Luther King Jr. day. She then insisted that I had to go to school because that is "only for black people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 102
You deserved it 3 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With her logic, they should have a Ceasar Chavez day because I need a break.


Your MOTHER IS A RETARD, it isnt only for blacks, he was motivator to break the issues that the White people had with the blacks, he brought us together as Americans, not just Whites, Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Reds, SO your Mother needs to snap out of her F***ed up shell and learn this is 2013

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. But she's still your mom, so be nice while explaining it to her.

snk9045 3

Sorry but your mom is a borderline racist.

Special_Psycho 8

Tell her that would be segregation, which hasn't been around since the Civil Rights Movement, and it's illegal.

Lol that would make that day soo much better

doglover100 28

I wonder what she did when yesterday came and you didn't go to school.