By hannahisacooler - 16/07/2013 23:41 - United States - Chino Hills

Today, I told the guy I liked about my crush on him. He said he would keep me in mind if he ever hits rock bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 346
You deserved it 3 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So consider yourself his boyfriend because with that comment, he's already at rock bottom


What a dick. Don't listen to him. Find someone who appreciates and respects you.

Nobody deserves that, so be glad a terrible soul like that doesn't want to be with you

Man! How'd you miss that fail of a personality when you were crushing on him? God, what an ***

Sucks tell him the same when he he 'hits rock bottom'

Coincidentally im listening to Eminem's "rock bottom" at the moment

Don't settle for being someone's last resort when you can be someone's first and only choice!♥