By darkestbarbie - 05/04/2012 19:01 - United States - Decatur
darkestbarbie tells us more.
Who is to say that I am stupid? Just because I am young does not mean I am stupid. I am not a teen mom. I will take responsibility if I am pregnant. Not just pawn them off on someone else. It's people like you who piss me off.
Top comments
Condoms are cheaper then kids!
Typically, you can see the urine on the stick as well so I am not sure how you didn't realize you missed it. Regardless, good luck. You have posted many more times responding and accusing and have not shared if you are in fact pregnant or not. I'm wondering if your boyfriend reads FML and if this is how you are telling him :-)
Then why did she not notice pee on it? I mean it doesn't soak all of it up, you can see it! Perhaps you are not understanding what I'm saying, I'm saying that she likely realized she didn't pee on it because she didn't see any pee on it. If I peed on a stick and didn't notice urine dripping off I also would assume I missed it. I feel bad for OP because clearly she was and likely still is nervous and this is why it was missed. Sorry if I'm not buying that she had a faulty test, because she said she didn't see urine.
There was urine on there. That is why I was confused. It was my first test so, I went on blindly. Then I tried the same stick again and realized it just didn't work. I felt like an idiot though and I thought everyone could have a laugh at my expense. I got another test. Not pregnant.
Comment 102 has your answer.
Damn that stick! Just won't stay still eh?
Actually, I was told it was much easier to just pee into a cup and dip the stick into it.... I assumed most women did that since it's a lot easier than actually trying to literally pee on it. I apparently assumed people were smarter than they really are.....
And clearly it worked for you; congratulations on your future baby!
Love all the idiots bashing op for missing or not realising it was faulty, this is part of the reason i have little faith in humanity, that and gas station clerks who dont know what anti diarrheal is, good luck getting pregnant/congrats, either way. good luck.
We base our comments off of the post, not off of the many many comments OP has posted since then.
I put my piss in a cup and stuck the test in there. It worked. I was pregnant. My kid is a year now though, but I still remember it as of yesterday.
Are you the chick I banged on the old wooden dock who got a sliver in her butt?
Doesnt that just piss you off
How do you miss the stick?