By tammyg - 11/02/2010 18:42 - United States

Today, I took Ambien for the first time. Not only did I not fall asleep, but I took my mother through a list of all the men I've slept with. I do not remember a thing, but apparently I was very thorough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 475
You deserved it 6 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down everyone, just coz she's slept with more than one guy doesn't mean she's a ****. Don't be jealous just coz she's getting more action than most of you


jnrockstar10 0

Ching Ching dara kaowa! translation (there are many dicks around me!)

If you didn't want your secrets to get out, then maybe you shouldn't have kept them in the first place. YDI. If you didn't want other people to know about your sexual relationships with all of those guys, then maybe you shouldn't have slept with them. YDI. If you didn't want to take a chance on drug-related problems, then maybe you shouldn't have taken drugs. YDI. Every time you gamble, you take a chance on losing. Duh.

jnrockstar10 0

If by fans you mean people that hate her then yes sh has loads of fans

Thanks for the informative statement, Jn.

tboudre 0

I've heard some stories. it's unbelieveable that ambien is legal! every time the commercial comes on, they add a side effect.

don't feel bad my mom was the same way I got away with so much when I talked to her after she took her sleep meds

xsuperbikeracerx 0

Girl Ive taken Ambien and it ***** you up! It sucks what happened to you!

japcatsayshello 0

The first time i ever took ambien I thought my keyboard was melting into a hole in my desk! And then knocked out for like 16 hours.

japcatsayshello 0

The first time i ever took ambien I thought my keyboard was melting into a hole in my desk! And then knocked out for like 16 hours. And i now make it a priority that i log off facebook and dont text anyone after ive taken it XD BAD THINGS HAPPEN! Everyday my boyfriends like... you said "insert random crap here" last night... Im like... No i didnt? BUT it puts me to sleep... which wouldnt happen otherwise.

lil_tomboy 0

@ 41 Sparc. you are amazing!!! I've never heard a guy openly say this!! Marry me? hahaha!!!