By :,< - 17/09/2012 17:16 - United States

Today, I took my daughter to a pony ride at the fair. I paid to have her picture taken, and when we got home, I emailed it to my mom. She replied, disgustedly pointing out that the pretty little pony was displaying a pretty little penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 422
You deserved it 2 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


My little penis, my little penis. I used to wonder how big you could be, Until you shared your shlong magic with me!

BunchieRules 31

46 - According to a previous FML discussion, "brony" is used as a unisex term now. Don't worry about it.

JadeWinter 16

Wow, animals have genitals! The shock of it all! Seriously, I'd the horse supposed to wear a nappy?

I guess that one isn't going to make it on the Christmas greeting card.

OK, maybe just the September picture in the family calendar instead. Even Photoshopped, grandma would remember. ;)

jl347jl 2

Was it the big E in Massachusetts

It's Op's mum. It's Op's daughters grandma.

martin_martian7 11

It's not a big deal. I'm sure it's not difficult to crop it out of the picture if it's really bothering you.

hopsinlove17 26

I feel extremely dumb haha. My bad guys. Please continue(:

mycleh13 7

Ponies have the second biggest penis in earth..... I have the first! Ahh snap, which movie was that from?!! Haha no more liquor for gma!!

KiddNYC1O 20

"Omg, look at the size of that footprint!" "You seen his dick?!"