By Thanks - 27/11/2009 23:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I took my daughter to the zoo. I threw a piece of my sandwich towards a very cute chimpanzee. As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 321
You deserved it 49 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a reason the signs say 'Don't feed the animals'.

MissGreenT 0

guess you could say you had a shitty day? FYL


Never get into a throwing contest with a chimp.

Uber_G33k 0

The chimp got pissed at you because you weren't following the rule of "Do Not Feed the Animals".

So you risked giving the chimpanzee something it could die from possibly, just to impress your daughter? Or what? The reason the sign of Do Not Feed the Animals is there is because a lot of animals have very specialized diets, and if given the wrong food, it can make them sick or kill them. You had no way of knowing whether what you were eating could cause a negative reaction in the chimpanzee. What would you have done, had it started to eat the sandwich and then began choking or having a bad reaction?

Punkartmama 0

Great parenting skills. Teaching your kid to ignore posted signs and doing whatever you want as long as no one catches you. YDI

blah123blah 0

if this is a woman: get in the kitchen and make him another and don't call your husband a chimp. if this is a man: stinks dude, get your wife to make another one.

TheComputerGuy96 16

FYL and YDI, both, because you mustn't feed animals and animal crap can give you diseases.

Ladypartslegit 0

all those big signs that say don't feed the animals, chyea you should probably listen. ydi for not being able to follow directions.

tayzer_fml 0

you know zoo animals can die from that... just sayin...