By Thanks - 27/11/2009 23:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I took my daughter to the zoo. I threw a piece of my sandwich towards a very cute chimpanzee. As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 321
You deserved it 49 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a reason the signs say 'Don't feed the animals'.

MissGreenT 0

guess you could say you had a shitty day? FYL


If you give a monkey a sammich, he is going to fling some poo. If the monkey flings some poo, it will explode onto your shirt. If the poo is on your shirt, your daughter will be disgusted. If your daughter is disgusted, you will write about it on FML. If you write about it on FML, people will critique you. If people critique YOU, others will critique THEM. If many people are being criticized, there are bound to be repetitions. If there are bound to be repetitions, originality is priceless. If originality is priceless, why aren't more people creative??? (with humble respect to "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.")

Made my day! Ever had a Chimp walk over and try to SHARE the sandwich? ;)

meunknown101 0

What is up with the stupid fmylifes stories today? First killing global warming and now feeding animals?! What's next?! >:OOO

Shannyn45 0

Global warming isn't even real.

That1GuyUNo 0

lol what a dumb bitch^^. go ahead, tell me 97.7 % of scientists are wrong you stupid *****.

ayylash 0

goddamn those chimps with their explosive shit...

Well.. you can't blame the monkey. You were the one who started throwing shit around. ;)