By abc - 27/05/2009 10:15 - Pakistan

Today, I took my friends out to an expensive restaurant for my birthday treat. They had arranged for a surprise birthday cake for me which I cut, very happily, while they chanted birthday wishes. When the bill came, I discovered I was supposed to pay for my great 'surprise' cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 423
You deserved it 5 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty crappy on the part of your friends... sure they're real friends?

well see... you didnt get it :] THAT was the real surprise! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


haha.. sh!!t happens I guess! Well you should have kinda brought it up as a sarcastic joke.. maybe they'd feel wrong about u paying!

SmoothTalker 0

wonder why the FML staff had to explicitly point out that "this one comes from Pakistan"...I'm not implying anything, I'm simply curious as to the need since FMLs come from all over the world and I'm sure this isn't the first to come from abroad

This happened to me kind of, but that is another FML. But really, nothing is FML worthy. I read these because I am either bored, need a laugh, or trying to procrastinate.

Your friends suck. Whenever I go out for birthday stuff with my friends, it's kind of assumed that the birthday person doesn't pay any part of the bill.

ditzystef 0

Guys, I'm from Romania, and here it's tradition to take your friends out and pay on your birthday. It might be the same in Pakistan.

Thats nothing, man, on my birthday my two best friends collected a money pot from all my mates, then used it to buy themselves tickets for "Spamalot". Come to think of it I might post that, it really effing sucked.

Bucinka 5

That is definitely an FML. Submit it! I'll vote for it!

Shmoopie4 0

That's so rude. You might want to get new friends. Sorry your birthday was an FML moment!

This happened to me too, at my last birthday. FML

So? Hell, it's not so much them "getting you cake" as them thinking "hey, it's his birthday, there should be cake". I mean, you're paying for the meal, and it's the same place, your friends thought there should be cake on your birthday, since the presumably wasn't, and took care of that. Going all "Hey, I'm taking you out to dinner on my birthday and paying for the meal, that's okay, but the hell I'm paying for this cake, YOU ordered that without my consent!" is just a complete dick move. What's the big deal, just enjoy your birthday already.