By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 20:26 - United States - Houston

Today, I took my girlfriend of nearly 2 years out to dinner so I could propose. When the waiter brought the check, I caused a bit of a scene to get everyone's attention. When I got on my knee and proposed, she said no and asked if I could hurry up and pay, because she was embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 757
You deserved it 18 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ileenefudge 29

Why make a scene? Were you assuming she would say yes just because everyone was looking at her? I'd be embarrassed too, because that's just asking for trouble in my opinion and if she says no(which she did) then people make her out to be cruel and heartless.

In my humble opinion, no proposal should ever be rejected because everyone who proposes should be DAMNED SURE the answer will be "yes". If you aren't absolutely positive, don't do it.


chocolatefrog28 29

She was probably very embarrassed by your causing a scene, and I can understand why she might want to get out of there as quickly as possible. Your heart was in the right place, the way you went about it was just a little off.

cottoncandymango 17

No no no. I think you were more embarrassed than she was... I'm so sorry. :(

What do people not understand? Why would you propose in public? Proposals are suppose to be personal and special not for like the approval of the public. I would had said no too if I was her.

I hate when I accidentally hit YDI... I didn't mean to but sorry dude that sucks! FYL

CharresBarkrey 15

Nah, pretty sure he deserved it. You were right

I hate it when people make such a big to-do around their proposal, doing it in public in front of as many people as possible. It just puts pressure on her to accept even though she might not want to or be ready yet. Have you even talked about marriage before proposing? Sorry, I feel sad for you that you were ready for this kind of commitment and she wasn't, but I have no sympathies for how it happened. Also 'making a scene so that many people would be watching', frankly, that makes you sound like a bit of a jerk.

Chaith 16

For being in a relationship of a year and 10-11 months, and most likely not discussing the idea - it seems like OP was showing a bit of crazy to come at her with a marriage proposal, despite good intentions.

Wow, you thought that acting like an ass would work? On a major life changing decision? I can see who has the brains in that relationship.

TheHeavyOne 15

YDI, she may have said yes if you didn't cause a scene. You should have known she wouldn't have like it.

Next time don't put all of your chips in one pocket. Proposing like that is a big risk... I don't know why people don't do it the old-fashioned way: simple and private with a nice looking ring.