By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 20:26 - United States - Houston

Today, I took my girlfriend of nearly 2 years out to dinner so I could propose. When the waiter brought the check, I caused a bit of a scene to get everyone's attention. When I got on my knee and proposed, she said no and asked if I could hurry up and pay, because she was embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 757
You deserved it 18 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ileenefudge 29

Why make a scene? Were you assuming she would say yes just because everyone was looking at her? I'd be embarrassed too, because that's just asking for trouble in my opinion and if she says no(which she did) then people make her out to be cruel and heartless.

In my humble opinion, no proposal should ever be rejected because everyone who proposes should be DAMNED SURE the answer will be "yes". If you aren't absolutely positive, don't do it.


YDI for thinking a two year relationship is long enough to propose. Also YDI for causing a scene.

This is why you NEVER, EVER propose in public unless your woman has explicitly stated she wants a public proposal.

MzZombicidal 36

You don't dump with hoes, you dig with them.

The time wasn't right...but the time will be soon...

perdix 29

You should have left the ring on your pillow and left for work. Wait, that didn't work . . . um, never mind.

Marriages should have trust, communication, and love. You should know your partner well enough to know when to propose and how to do it. You would not take someone afraid of water out on a boat to propose. So you should have known your girlfriend did not want to get surprised with a proposal in public. I had a guy pop the question in a similar way. He did it in front of my whole family. He never asked if I wanted to get married or have children. We had been dating casually for a year. He broke up with me the moment I said "No. I don't want to get married, ever." So, you need to talk these things out or you will end up with traumatic memories that likely ruin the relationship.

timss4 19

You run that risk when you do it in public, but yeah I can understand being shocked by a no after 2 years lol

Missyeru 14

Did you talk to her? Thinks like marriage are usually talked about before you blindly pop the question....

Of the two I would've thought you would've been the most embarrassed one. Before I poped the question we had talked about getting married several times and in detail. So I knew what the answer would be before I asked. Have to ask you what was the reason for wanting to have a whole restaurant full of people you don't know involved in such a private moment. Sounds like grandstanding to me.

esthoar 8

That's why you should never propose in public. I mean, it COULD work out amazing but there's always the chance... And then it's either they feel pressured to say yes and then say no later which I imagine is prettttty painful or they say no on the spot which is probably one of the most humiliating moments you'll ever go through.