By cheaphubbyswife - 04/04/2009 09:19 - Canada

Today, I took my son for a walk to tell him about the passing of our family dog. As we were walking by the river, Ozzy (our deceased dog) was laying on the riverbank. My son thought he just ran away and we found him. Turns out my husband was too cheap to pay the 100$ vet disposal fees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 759
You deserved it 6 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

1st - I feel terrible for your son! 2nd - I feel terrible for YOU for having to be tehre when he witnessed this. 3rd - I'd make your HUSBAND explain to your son exacty why he was too selfish to cover the costs of the basics adn why he didn't care about your son enough to do things right. Seriously. He disgusts me.

marykateex3 0

...your husband didn't want to pay to fees AND he didn't even bother burying him? That's ridiculous. I agree with #3 - make HIM explain.


Oh my ******* god, you people love dogs way too much. Anyone crying "divorce" over a dog in a ditch is idiotic.

Messed up. Why couldnt he just bury him?

cxal_fml 0

"it is illegal to bury a dog." - Do you really think a town that prohibits burying a dog would allow you to leave it alongside a river bank? Think about it. And you can bury your own animals on your own property. There is no way these people both didn't have their own yard, and know no one at all without a yard they could have buried him in. And for $100 they could have put him in a pet cemetary

dripinwet 0

your husband is a piece of crap.. I am sorry about your dog.. I love mine more than alot of people I know. Put the hubby out there on the rock until he decides to spend that $100. SHAME ON HIM!!

It's just a dog... Fair enough, he should have buried it, not left it lying around, but the people saying he's sick and should be killed and thrown into a ditch himself are, quite frankly, nutjobs.

PeopleAREstupid 0

1) you're selfish to blame this on your husband. 100 just to have a dead animal picked up is a rip off when animal services will pick up a live one for free 2) are you really that stupid to take your son along the same paththe dog died? Even if your husband paid the 100 dollars it could have taken a while for someone to come and pick the dog up. So don't completely blame your husband because you are a dumbass as well.

not only is that horrible for your son but for all the other poor animal lovers out there who have to see that dog

#83 ur a dumbass... u totally misunderstood the whole thing... and hell yea she should blame the husband!!! he's a cheapass!!!

That is disgusting. If you're too cheap to pay the vet, bury him in your yard, like many other people do. How awful and terrifying. Poor dog. RIP, Ozzy.

darronlee 0

#33. You tell 'em! #83. Stfu asshole, the dog didn't die on the path. The husband took the body there and dumped it, and didn't tell the wife what he did. Why don't we read what's actually there and not make up our own assumptions. Put down the bottle.