By cheaphubbyswife - 04/04/2009 09:19 - Canada

Today, I took my son for a walk to tell him about the passing of our family dog. As we were walking by the river, Ozzy (our deceased dog) was laying on the riverbank. My son thought he just ran away and we found him. Turns out my husband was too cheap to pay the 100$ vet disposal fees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 759
You deserved it 6 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

1st - I feel terrible for your son! 2nd - I feel terrible for YOU for having to be tehre when he witnessed this. 3rd - I'd make your HUSBAND explain to your son exacty why he was too selfish to cover the costs of the basics adn why he didn't care about your son enough to do things right. Seriously. He disgusts me.

marykateex3 0

...your husband didn't want to pay to fees AND he didn't even bother burying him? That's ridiculous. I agree with #3 - make HIM explain.


PeopleAREstupid 0

Ok everyone who us calling me a dumbass for supposedly not reading, please tell me where exactly it says the father put it there. For all we know the dog could have actually run away and died on the river bank as it is stated that the parents did tell the child it ran away. Maybe it actually did run away and understandably no one told he kid it was found because it was dead. #90,78 & 85: I don't understand how you can conclude that I'm stupid from my comment. I mean as sad as it is it's just a fact that pets, on average will not live as long as humans so, the kid was gona see it die regardless and yes it is sad he found out that way but it isn't the fathers fault. Did the mother really have to walk the kid to explain about the dog?

That's terrible!! :( He couldn't even bury? wtf... I feel so bad for you and your son.

#99 "please tell me where exactly it says the father put it there. For all we know the dog could have actually run away and died on the river bank as it is stated that the parents did tell the child it ran away. Maybe it actually did run away and understandably no one told he kid it was found because it was dead." she stated, " Turns out my husband was too cheap to pay the 100$ vet disposal fees. FML" 1) i assume she didnt LEAD her son to the dog just to explain that it's dead. i'm sure she took her son out for a walk to ease him into telling him that their dog died. He just THOUGHT that it ran away & they found it 'sleeping' on the riverbank (which it obviously wasn't). 2)I'm sure that she gave her husband the task of going to the vet to dispose of the body, but because they found the body on the riverbank it's OBVIOUS that he didn't do it and decided to 'dispose' of it himself.

wow. Your husband is a ******* dick. I would consider a divorce.

That's definitely disgusting, disturbing behavior for which there would be dire consequences. Having recently lost a pet, this made my stomach turn.

even if its illegal to bury a dog, isn't it more illegal/wrong to just leave its dead body somewhere? gah, idiots. yeah, your husband deserves a slap.

To all the people saying "bury it in your yard", ever consider that maybe they don't have their own yard? For all we know, they could be renting a place. If so, they have the option of paying a vet to dispose of the body, dumping it somewhere, or burying it on public property. Since digging a hole where you're not supposed to tends to attract attention, that leaves the former two options. By the sound of it, the husband dumped the dog in the river and it got washed up on the riverbank. It probably would have been smarter to just put the body in a black trash bag and throw it in a large dumpster, say at a construction site or behind a supermarket. If they did have a backyard, then the husband should have buried it there.

that is effing TERRIBLE. what the **** is wrong with your husband? seriously, if i were you i would leave the house until he does something about it because he lied to you and left your family dog to rot on a riverbank. and 83- how is this not the dad's fault? he knew the dog might die, and he let it die and rot publicly on a riverbank. tell me that's not terrible.