By cheaphubbyswife - 04/04/2009 09:19 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By KMROYALShottie - 27/05/2009 04:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 13:05 - Austria
Poor good boy
By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 20:54 - United Kingdom
By yolonono - 04/12/2014 18:30 - United States - San Francisco
By anonymous - 30/10/2009 07:45 - United States
By GlueAndCarrots - 20/08/2015 02:38 - Canada - Markham
By Nikki - 03/08/2009 13:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 16:10 - United States - Provo
By Anonymous - 10/06/2016 21:29 - United States - Westfield
By Username - 01/05/2014 10:33 - United States
Top comments
dang, 100 bucks to dispose of a pet, thats a rip off! you could probably find a restaurant that would pay you for it!
#83 - gotta say your account name should be changed. It's not people who are stupid, just you. You obviously can't read so maybe you should have thought twice before commenting. But oh wait, you're too stupid to realize that. OP: your husband is horrible. He should at least had the decency to tell you if $100 was too expensive and discuss the option of burying it instead. He could have even buried it with the whole family there so that the son could say his last goodbyes to his dog. At least that would have been something memorable, in a good way.
oh WOW that is horrible!!! what is WRONG with your husband!??!?!
Awww. That's terrible. :[
i would leave your husband if i were you
hahahahahhah @35. you're right its not that big of a deal to cremate an animal. and 36 i absolutely LOVE you that was the first thing i though of when i read this
:( that's horrible. i'd be so scarred. but i hope that you didn't tell your kid the truth, don't want to put a bad image of his father in his head. but he could've atleast taken an hour drive and buried it somewhere nice. #28. "its a dog. get over it. they die all the time i wouldnt pay 100 bucks for a vets "disposal fee" either" people die all the time, too. what's your point? people become attached to their pets like they're family. if you wouldn't spend $100 for something like family how are you expected to spend $1000s for your own?
That is so awful. SO awful. I am so sorry for both you and your poor son! That is no way to treat a creature that has been living with you, a regular part of your household regardless of its level of intelligence, or whatever bullshit argument people will pull out on you. Your poor dog at least deserved to have its remains treated with respect, not tossed on a river bank like litter (why do people have to toss litter on river banks either, for that matter?). But what a horrible thing to do! In my family, we are all adults and we had a dog that died in a really terrible accident that was shocking and grieving for us all, and we buried him in our back garden. The memory of seeing his wrecked body is still traumatizing and terribly sad, and I cannot imagine just treating his corpse as if it were entirely worthless. My father, who is a hardened, seemingly emotionless man, wept along with the rest of us as we dug that grave and buried our beloved dog. I really feel for you and your son. This really warrants a serious talk with a man who could be THAT callous.
Your husband is a massive jerk! How horribly inconsiderate, careless and selfish. Wonder what else he has lied to you and your family about? I'd be ripping him a new one if I were you. And making him pay way more than $100 to get the dog buried in a pet cemetery with a nice fancy headstone. Your poor son.
1st - I feel terrible for your son! 2nd - I feel terrible for YOU for having to be tehre when he witnessed this. 3rd - I'd make your HUSBAND explain to your son exacty why he was too selfish to cover the costs of the basics adn why he didn't care about your son enough to do things right. Seriously. He disgusts me.
...your husband didn't want to pay to fees AND he didn't even bother burying him? That's ridiculous. I agree with #3 - make HIM explain.