By cheaphubbyswife - 04/04/2009 09:19 - Canada

Today, I took my son for a walk to tell him about the passing of our family dog. As we were walking by the river, Ozzy (our deceased dog) was laying on the riverbank. My son thought he just ran away and we found him. Turns out my husband was too cheap to pay the 100$ vet disposal fees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 763
You deserved it 6 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

1st - I feel terrible for your son! 2nd - I feel terrible for YOU for having to be tehre when he witnessed this. 3rd - I'd make your HUSBAND explain to your son exacty why he was too selfish to cover the costs of the basics adn why he didn't care about your son enough to do things right. Seriously. He disgusts me.

marykateex3 0

...your husband didn't want to pay to fees AND he didn't even bother burying him? That's ridiculous. I agree with #3 - make HIM explain.


oh jeez. that's a pretty awful scenario.

cxal_fml 0

Now your kid is always going to wonder if you are going to throw him along the path when he dies

lakergurl91 0

i guess your husbands in the "dog house" now!! JK that really sucks though your kid is scarred for life im sure!!

I'm sorry, but your husband is a cheap ass. That is horrible!

So your dog was dead on the river bank where your husband threw him?!

jahwn 12

While your husband is an ass who couldn't even bury the dog in the yard, YDI for saying your dog ran away, kids need to come to terms with death.

what an ass. now his kids will never forget that.

If you wanted to cheer your son up you could have told him how everyone ends up on the riverbank when they die. Then you should have pushed the dog into the river and stood in silence as his body floated down river.