By RS - 17/03/2015 16:25 - United States - Delray Beach

Today, I tried a new hairstyle to impress a guy I like. I was pretty confident, until he took one look at me and said, "Uh... why's there an onion on your head?" So much for that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 247
You deserved it 6 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhiannahoward14 19

Well, why WAS there an onion on your head?

Rayth 19

Impressing people are overrated just be yourself instead


B1ackthesun 31

Now all I can think about is grandpa Simpson. "So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time..."

potato63 10

Maybe your hairstyle was bad, and he didn't like it

I'm curious as to what the hairstyle was if it supposedly looks like an onion

itssnotfunny 24

It's a bob with highlights and bangs. My teacher had that haircut.

colvindj 22

OP, I have hip length hair, and asked several male friends what men like with women's hair because I'm sick of it and wanted to surprise my husband. Almost every one said they liked hair just past the shoulders and the style they like most is a plain pony tail. So OP, try putting it up in a pony tail, that seems to make a lot of men happy.

BUT! Do what makes you happy, that is the most important thing. No point in having perfect hair, makeup and clothes if you are uncomfortable. Being happy and confident yourself is very attractive in both men and women.

I am sincerely very curious as to what kind of hair style it was! I'm imagining a kind of complex bun updo maybe? Anyway, I'm sure you looked great! Most guys don't really care too much about hairstyles anyway so don't take it too hard. And also, I've always been jealous of how skilled some girls are with their hair! I always look ridiculous when I try, even when watching tutorials on YouTube lol.