By Spudzy - 11/04/2012 16:46 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I tried hitting on the new receptionist at work. After a few flirtatious comments and subtly hinting that I thought she was bangable, she informed me that she's married to our boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 44 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly do you subtly hint that someone is "bangable"?

OP: "Hey do you like the drums? I used to be the drummer in a band during high school." Receptionist: "Oh yeah?" OP: "Yeah, what can I say? I was pretty good at banging my stick! I mean sticks. You look like you could do with some banging yourself, you know, it's quite relaxing and loosens your muscles." Receptionist: "Really? I guess I'll have to tell my husband, your boss, about that." OP: *O.O*


linkinpark98 23

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I hope you get fired. :P Just going up to a woman, married or not, and asking for sex is in fact sexual harassment.

U let her know she was bangable? How old are u? 12?

black6 1

That word has not been used for a long time in the U.S.

lavitaebella_fml 0

If you're going to be sarcastic, you might as well know how to detect it, grasshopper.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Bangable? Is that what women are too you? You give men a bad name!

Well, that oughta teach you for being so inappropriate at work, eh?

xoconnie 8

Did u do this all in one attempt or over a period of time.. YDI u better hope she doesnt tell your boss or ur screwed ;)

Did she not have a ring or something