By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 466
You deserved it 28 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


thecrazed7 0

YDI for ruining my life with that retard ass post. **** you.

Just dump him (as hard as it may be). Breaking up doesn't require both parties to agree for it to happen, only one. If he just said no and didn't make any sort of attempt to talk about and work on whatever is going on, he's not even worth your time. Better to get it done and over with quick, instead of dragging the whole thing out.

Today, I read the worst FML ever. This was it. FML.

Night22_fml 4

Why are you listening to him? It's not like he owns you.... Or does he? DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!

saoriix 0

Honestly now? Dump him and stop being such a weakling.

mzbosii 0
Young_Sparta 0

finish that nigga off for good. tell him that you dont want him anymore, and if he say's this is madness, just be like... madness...THIS IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then give him a ******** stomp. =]

hazelwolfeyes 0

oh for the love better had said, um...yes? n turned to walk away. im a submissive n even i know when to walk away. though i admit i had to laugh for 30 seconds...who tries to break up? ^-^ hahaha