By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 466
You deserved it 28 231

Same thing different taste

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Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


...this is the absolute worst fml I have ever seen. you suck op.

That happened to me.. It's a lot easier to go through with the breakup if you don't live together. Pack up a box of stuff that's his anyway & hand it to him. Cut off all ties if possible. FYL.

Well, it isn't up to him. Get a restraining order if necessary.

way to be a typical fukcing dumb girl. once again proving that your gender is stupid and will stay with the one that treats them the most like crap. he'll beat you if he doesn't already and you probably think it's because he "loves you".

M13LO 0

Exactly! That's why I treat women like that because they want you more and I hear it was beacause they think that something is wrong with you and they can change you

cheer_leader247 0

ok i hv to agree with M13LO, yeah women think they can change a guy like you, after all im a girl i shuld no but i def dnt think tht wayy

Umm, i agree wit you but im a girl now that is a fml

Lot's of factors to be considered... But you gotta say out the reasoning properly... Just don't be like me; I didn't. I'm just lucky enough that she's still talking to me (When we broke up I said we would be better off as friends)

... The ****? If it was, like, a discussion about the future of the relationship, I could understand. If he was just demanding answers/reasons, I could see that too. If it was a "Noooooooo, don't leave me!" kind of thing, where he was begging for more chances, then yeah, I'd feel bad for the guy. But if you flat out stated the relationship was over, covering all the basic steps, then he doesn't get to say "no". A relationship takes two, and if one isn't in, then there is simply no relationship. Send him a text gently (or not so gently) reminding him he is now single, then refuse to see or talk to him if he still insists on being a ******** in denial. I mean, don't be a cow, give the guy a reason and an explanation and be decent, but be very firm, also. How totally bizarre. I wonder if he's a control freak, a prick, or just a poor, clingy, lovestruck guy. Either way, if it's over, it's over, and he can't just refuse to accept that. That is what restraining orders are for.

Breaking is can only include one side of the party