By fluke - 19/09/2011 17:24 - United States

Today, I tried to stop a teenage boy from entering the woman's bathroom. When he argued with me I had him thrown out. Turns out, according to their parents and driver's license, it was a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 834
You deserved it 45 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you argue with someone about THEIR gender???

More like f- the chick who got mistaken for a dude-'s life.


Damn, these days ya just never know........Damn, these days ya just never know........

I get mistaken for a boy in the wrong clothing. But when I was younger I was called a boy with a dress on

jkhben 3

No one would purposely go into the wrong bathroom, that would be embarrassing. You needed to mind your own business!

GirlTalkxx3 0

heeellllooooo, girls have boobies!! was it that hard to figure out?

ImFineThanksYou 4

You forgot that some girls are extremely flat that they can't even fit a bra... Which sucks.

51, why not just use a less offensive word? seriously.

I would have said you deserved it except that there is a girl that's in my chemistry class that I thought was a guy for the first three weeks of school.

Well now, don't you just re-define "ignorant douchebag". Next time MYOFB and don't judge on appearances.