By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 04:56 - United States - Houston

Today, I used a public restroom. I saw my sister's shoes walk into the stall next to me, so I gave her a little nudge with my foot. We then nudged each other until I walked out and saw a homeless man with the same shoes as my sister. He then tried to hold my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 631
You deserved it 44 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bathroom foot nudging is always the best way to make new friends.

Ray9889 8

That's pretty much all your fault... Shouldn't be playing footsies with someone while in the bathroom


yeah... I'm guessing they sold more than one pair of those shoes, why would you assume it's your sister ?

What part of Texas has non-gendered public restrooms? Let me know so I know to stay away from there!

you know, you could have asked. "*sisters name* is that you?", would have saved you from the embarrassment. :D

xAkonz 10

That's creepy even if it is your sister. If my sister tried that in the bathroom with me I'd be weirded out. YDI

lmaoo i can see that happening to me i.always get the weirdos.. sorry OP

was he homeless or just a hipster?

U should of been like " hey sis" first. Duh