By Forever alone Guy - 19/02/2013 23:07 - Australia - Narre Warren

Today, I've been single for so long my grandmother had to ask if I actually like women or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 140
You deserved it 3 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She didn't have to ask anything. Gay people have relationships too, you being single has nothing to do with your sexual oriwntation. Just sounds nosey to me, that's not really a necessary question

missd93 6

You should be like, "No, Grandma. I love cats. Their love is all I will ever need. And they won't get jealous when I bring more cats home." In utter seriousness.


perdix 29

You need to let Gran know whether you are autosexual or simply asexual. Have you become obsessed with jerkin your gherkin, or are you just letting it rot?

Tell your grandma you like her. That will probably remove all questions.

Sounds like Kelly Clarkson a year ago. Look at her now! Keep your head up.

son are you coming out to me?? You can't last one minute in that world. Your face too pasty, you can't dance...

Do you like men. Cause that's what I've started to think.

Oh dude ik how you feel, my grandmother sat me down and had they very same talk and it started out with "it's ok to like men, and to accept it and to tell us if you do" worst day of my life, I had a gf of two years when that happened

icepick23 12
artinwords 14

Well she doesnt have forever for you to bring someone home now does she. Its what grandmas do. Mine outed me when i was five.

Show her your **** collection. She'll get a clue.

And so ? Do you actually like women or not ? Or maybe both :P Just kidding : BE YOURSELF ! Being single isn't a sickness ;)