By minimum wage - 02/04/2012 08:38 - Canada

Today, I walked in on a homeless guy peeing on a turd on the floor of the women's restroom at the park. I'm a janitor for the city. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 345
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks op, janitors already don't get paid enough to clean up other peoples shit, why add more to it, people should be thankful that there IS someone to be doing that work


Thats lame, I guess. Pee on a turd! Whoa thats sick!

Maybe he was helping you break it up? Could of been stuck on there

BunBunBabe 8

Hopefully that's an example of a bad day at work..

BunBunBabe 8

I truly hope it's not a normal day for them, I have a friend that works janitorial at a casino and people smear shit all over the walls and pee on the floor apparently, people need to get a life and be appreciative they have a clean toilet for them

koolkat27 13

Who would even smear their shit on the walls just to piss the janitor off? Some people are so pathetic these days, smh.

That's why there's the powerful mop combined with the muscles you got from years of sweeping.

muffinXmonster 12

Beat the hell out of him with the broom handle

absosteel 0

Haha I found you:) this is Amanda:) lol

reminds me of a cleveland steamer. For some reason. I should go outside

hateevryone 14

Well, he is homeless...........

perdix 29

You mean you get PAID to see that? Most of us pay dearly to get access to high-class entertainment like that!

perdix 29

And you get to see world-class target pissing! Go see how much tickets cost for the Target Pissing events at the London Olympics. It's very hard to see the sport practiced at that level.

samsta380 4

That has got to be the most random thing I've read on here ever.