By minimum wage - 02/04/2012 08:38 - Canada

Today, I walked in on a homeless guy peeing on a turd on the floor of the women's restroom at the park. I'm a janitor for the city. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 339
You deserved it 2 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks op, janitors already don't get paid enough to clean up other peoples shit, why add more to it, people should be thankful that there IS someone to be doing that work


Only because he didn't want to use the women's restroom!! Oh and sorry OP I'd hate to clean that up!

FYL were seriously the first words that came to mind when i read this............ just wow.

better on the turd than next to the turd

Quit and become a janitor for a private company: there's a lot less homeless crazies in private companies than in the city.