By oh my son - 23/12/2012 06:02 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I walked in on my son and his friend comparing their penis sizes. They're 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 754
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zombieslayer83 19

I hope your son won. And remember they are 6, they don't see anything wrong with it.


mcaisse77 17

That's the age when children figure out about that kind of stuff. They're curious. But I also learned that is the age that boys supposedly fall in love with their moms and think that their father will cut off their penises if they make a move... Freud was weird.

BubbleGrunge 18

Actually, the Oedipus complex states that all little boys want to marry their mother and kill their father and little girls want to marry their father and kill their mother. Children don't quite understand the "kill" part because their brain isn't developed enough to understand the complexity of love/hate the way we as adults do. However, this is more of a thought process and you might see a child love their mother and cry when the father is around or vice versa. Freud may have been weird, but he was pretty intelligent and many of his theory's are correct ; though not in the drastic way we think!

When I researched it, penis envy meant that girls wanted to have sex with their mothers but lacked the proper equipment, thusly focusing their sexual energy on their father and subconciously wishing to take the place of the mother, whom they originally wished to claim, which is why girls have deep seeded and often unrealized feelings of resentment toward their fathers and more open hostility toward their mothers.

brand2017 9

When i was little, around this age, my parents would fight and i stood between my dad and mom glaring at my father and protecting my mom- even though i was only 6. Thats some substantial proof of the oedipus complex, even though i dont remember anything to do with wanting to marry my mom. It is a true fact however, that MOST men who marry will marry someone who has a similar trait that their mother had. Not sure what trait im responding too though, considering neither girl ive dated has anything remotely similar to my mom.....dammit im ranting.... Oops! Lol, anyways- dont worry OP its natural!

36, Freud is pretty much completely obsolete. All of his theories have been shown to be wrong and his work hasn't been used by serious psychologists in decades. OP, this is perfectly normal. He's a little kid and curious, don't worry about it.

BubbleGrunge 18

Actually, his theories are flawed, but what theory doesn't have flaws? It depends on who's claims his theory's are wrong; everyone believes differently. I never said I agreed with all his thoughts, but some do have truths in some aspect. I'm an early childhood educator and devote my education on early childhood development and psychology. You'd be surprised the theory's and development with young children that loosely follow a handful of Freud's beliefs.

Right, because 6-year old boys aren't discovering their various appendages and how they work. Clearly the parent is at fault here for not removing it before he found it.

brand2017 9

According to psychology, the first stage of childhood is the oral stage- where children put things in their mouth and learn to speak. The second is anal, where they gain pleasure from becoming potty trained. The third is this stage, the phallic stage, where children are interested in their genetalia. Its natural, no worries OP.

That's Freudian psychology, which is long since discredited and not taken seriously by any real professional in the field.

13 - the only parents who failed were yours. It's completely normal for young children to be curious about their anatomy and to be wondering if other people were like them. Your moronic comment is what's most disturbing here.

Kids do dumb things like that, it's part of growing up... Friendly competition???

Don't be so hard on yourself, these things pop up all the time while parenting. I'm sure he'll grow out of it.

RedPillSucks 31

they never grow out of it. they just substitute other stuff, like toys, cars, etc.

astralvagan 20

It's actually quite normal. I've read research from several peer reviewed sources, and what happened was normal among prepubescents

Normal because of some natural function of the brain or normal because parents don't teach anatomy at such a young age? I'm actually curious. Personally, I never did things like this. I can actually remember when a friend tried this on me and I thought it was wrong and inappropriate. My parents had never talked to me about it before though.

heyheywaddup 7
Rocky007 15

It's all women's fault. Putting so much size pressure on guys. Tell him "it's not the tool it's the carpenter." Unless of course his was longer, then give him a high-five.

Rocky007 15

It's all women's fault. Putting so much size pressure on guys. Tell him "it's not the tool it's the carpenter." Unless of course his was longer, then give him a high-five.

The kid's is there pressure from women???