By oh my son - 23/12/2012 06:02 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I walked in on my son and his friend comparing their penis sizes. They're 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 754
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zombieslayer83 19

I hope your son won. And remember they are 6, they don't see anything wrong with it.


I doubt they view penis length as anything different to overall height or shoe-size. It's just curiosity.

matteodi 4

Well, it's not like they were having masturbating contests.

They start so young & continue throughout their lives !!!!!!

Nanael_fml 4

Well I think it'd be more awkward if the were teenagers

notepie 6

What is the world teaching our kids!?!

"The world" isn't to blame for innocent curiosity. To them, comparing the size of their penises is just as innocent as you or I comparing the colour of our hair. This isn't a recent development either. Children have been playing doctor and other such games since before you or I were born and will continue to play them well after we die.

That's relatively normal behavior, actually. Doesn't necessarily mean anything.

b_rad_fml 4

Um, sorry, but that's 100% completely and totally NATURAL! That's what little boys will do. Now, if they're making sexual comments at the same time, then you got something to worry about.

That is what kids do at that age... Stop being a stupid over-protective parent and let him live his childhood.