By neednewdeoderant - 14/12/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I walked into my bathroom to find my girlfriend applying my deodorant. This would have been fine, if she wasn't applying it to her mouth. I don't think deodorant helps with bad breath, but a quick Google search shows that it does help with herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 622
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this, I saw "If she wasn't applying it to"... Is it wrong if I thought crotch first?

gunmania0 12

There are two ways you can get herpes... just don't let her give you a Blowie...


kaykay20 0

Just to clarify herpes doesn't always show up in a test. The best way to determine if someone has it is if they have a outbreak. Op I'd keep a look out for them since they can spread to other parts of the body (so get a new deodorant). If it's herpes simplex one theirs only ointments at the store to treat it since its not as frequent or as sever as herpes simplex 2. Over time the ointments should help lessen the outbreaks.

You mean cold sores yeah? Not genital herpes

Cold sores are the herpes virus, just in a different part of your body... Genital herpes is just another instance...

get off of fml and ask her what's going on

And you believed that? OKAY................ does Google say anything about it hiding **** breath from giving random guys knobbers? Maybe you better think about that one.....

perdix 29

You are just in denial, buddy. Yes, herpes is bad, but cockal stinkage is even worse. Before you walked in on her trying to get your scent off her lips, you missed that she had just gargled Drano.

Herpes Simplex Virus.... Also know as the cause if Cold sores (fever blisters)!