By neednewdeoderant - 14/12/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I walked into my bathroom to find my girlfriend applying my deodorant. This would have been fine, if she wasn't applying it to her mouth. I don't think deodorant helps with bad breath, but a quick Google search shows that it does help with herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 622
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this, I saw "If she wasn't applying it to"... Is it wrong if I thought crotch first?

gunmania0 12

There are two ways you can get herpes... just don't let her give you a Blowie...


Wait, what if she doesn't have herpes? Maybe she has Pica, that disease where people eat non-edible things.

Dear Yahoo, I've never heard someone say "i don't know, lets yahoo it!" Sincerely, Google

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

Horrifying shit just one more thing... does she apply it anywhere else??

pulore 3

Know how you feel! Dome months ago I happened to walk past the bathroom as my HUSBAND was running my deodarent up and down his ass crack! Now i have to keep a decoy deodarant in our bathroom and hide my real one an old purse in the closet!

I generally try to avoid any FMLs having anything to do with medicine, and this one is a prime example why. Every single one has numerous idiots trying to sound like authorities on the issue but who end up spreading misinformation and outright lies. This one is no different.

She's just given you the gift that keeps on giving. Time to dump and get tested

ImafukNskittleYO 4

wow, she has a cold sore. throw you're deoterant away, and get a new stick. grab some blistex for her while your at it.

kate3101 15

Oh for God's sake! Getting a cold sore doesn't make you a *****, or gross or dirty or any of the other things people are assuming here. Yes, cold sores are the oral form of herpes simplex. Yes, you can transfer the oral type of herpes to genitals or vice versa. However, 80% of the American population are estimated to have been exposed to oral herpes. Cold sores are extremely common and, while annoying, are not a reason to dump someone. Having cold sores doesn't mean you also have genital herpes - the two things are different (HSV-1 and HSV-2). Just stay away from unprotected oral sex.