By neednewdeoderant - 14/12/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I walked into my bathroom to find my girlfriend applying my deodorant. This would have been fine, if she wasn't applying it to her mouth. I don't think deodorant helps with bad breath, but a quick Google search shows that it does help with herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 622
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I first read this, I saw "If she wasn't applying it to"... Is it wrong if I thought crotch first?

gunmania0 12

There are two ways you can get herpes... just don't let her give you a Blowie...


andrewsgirl2010 7

Id throw away that deodorant now....

hateevryone 14
theonlysweetpea 10

That triflin bitch gots to go! I really mean it. I'm all for supporting people with diseases but not when people keep it from you in a you-need-to-know way.

theonlysweetpea 10

something like 90% of people have some strain of herpes whether they've had an outbreak or not. she probably didn't tell you because cold sores are so common that she didn't think it was a big deal. and its NOT, just don't let her go down on you till it clears up.

22JB 11

Might want to let that one go. Who knows what else she puts in her mouth.

Herpes is forever. She was hiding it from you. Dump her.

calibaaby 0

I actually looked it up and it held for cold sores... Not herpes.

medic11b 0

OP, please do not take medical advice from random people on the Internet! SEE A DOCTOR! And on a personal not the whole putting used deodorant in your mouth thing is just disgusting, regardless of possible benefit.

kaykay20 0

Some people are educated enough to help in this issue. It's better to stick with actual cold sore ointments then deodorant though. As I said earlier the doctors tests won't always turn up positive. It's easier to tell and be sure when they get a outbreak. Depending on what type it is theirs medication they can provide to lessen the outbreaks.