By FreakinthePink - 06/12/2010 07:20

Today, I walked into my room to find my roommate's boyfriend trying on one of my pink, lacy bras. My roommate then yelled at me for coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 245
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what do you mean by early? are you supposed to stay away from you're place until otherwise notified. tell the bitch to share her skivvies with her tranny boyfriend and have her wash your clothes and fold them neatly,


moomoomeow2 7

she's just blaming you because she hates her boyfriend.

shasta32 0

If your roommate a guy? because said roommates boyfriend is definitely lurking in the closet

bhimz1 0

i have heard countless such true stories

justbigbs 6
YummyxBrownie 0

WOW .. smfh he owes you a bra and she had no reason to shit here and yell at you

LigHt116 0

Manifestations of such curiosity is bound to make me lol every

I would've cussed that bitch out! that's so rude! who goes into someone elses stuff and let's true boyfriend try it on, then yells at u for "coming home early"!

Killn4Laughs 0

Atleast it wasn't your underwear

shaubygal 11

ohhhh yayy it's that time a year again that special time a year when you padlock your door and dresser shut OH JOY