By FreakinthePink - 06/12/2010 07:20

Today, I walked into my room to find my roommate's boyfriend trying on one of my pink, lacy bras. My roommate then yelled at me for coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 245
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what do you mean by early? are you supposed to stay away from you're place until otherwise notified. tell the bitch to share her skivvies with her tranny boyfriend and have her wash your clothes and fold them neatly,


I always try on my gf's sisters bras and panties. what's wrong bout that ? NOT truly an FML

OneLittleAdditio 9

Not for you cuz ur not the one later on putting on under garments that someone left gross germs on! Ur disgusting >: |

some people find crossdressing sick. they are called... ah whats the word. umm. normal! thats it!

Am I sick for wearing boys' shirts? I am? Aw, too bad.

Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing whatever the hell you like if it belongs to you or you were told you could. otherwise completely wrong.

muchagente 5
mylifesucksserio 15

what the he'll tell him to buy his own, are you dating now

and you didnt beat your room mate up brutally because WHY??????

yea f yo life cause someone put on you bra.

Yeah, **** Your Life for having shit for grammar.

EmoLittleBish 0

#42, the grammer nazi's have added you to their list.

Sorry, I read "pink lacy bra" and couldn't go further. Pink lacy bra...

RedPillSucks 31

Read it again, but instead of bra, read bro. I'm sure you'll finish the whole thing then.

lexibabyx3 0

wow, peoples Mindss these days.

His milkshake brings all his girls to the yard...