By FreakinthePink - 06/12/2010 07:20

Today, I walked into my room to find my roommate's boyfriend trying on one of my pink, lacy bras. My roommate then yelled at me for coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 245
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what do you mean by early? are you supposed to stay away from you're place until otherwise notified. tell the bitch to share her skivvies with her tranny boyfriend and have her wash your clothes and fold them neatly,


Do you and your roommate share a room or is she more of a housemate? If you share a room you should have knocked but maybe find a way of locking up your stuff so she can't mess around with it. If you have separate rooms just lock your door when you're out...