By Ian Artis - 12/07/2012 18:28 - United States

Today, I walked too close to a first-aid kit sticking out of a wall at work, and it cut my arm. Laughing at the irony, I opened it to get a band aid out. It was empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 864
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe the other guy who ran into it took the last bandaid

That's when you rip off a strap of materiel from your shirt and make your own bandage. You then go home and get some vodka on that shit, wouldn't want a nasty little ****** of an infection to show up. Down the rest of it like Hulk Hogan downs raw eggs and then wrap the little bitch of a cut in ******* nettles. Can you feel that pain OP? That's it working it's hardcore shit.


olpally 32

You sound just like me op... I'm always hurting myself like that... ehh, just laugh it off lol :)

Cutting your arm on a first aid kit - ironic. Cutting your arm on a first aid kit without any first aid in it - even more ironic. Are we clear?

I don't think that was worth and FML, no offense OP

I hate to see who was in charge of health and safety at your workplace .

Hes a dude he can take calm down its not like he got shot or something.

cloak057_fml 8

Outting the idiot responsible for keeping the first-aid kit stocked -- priceless. Hope your day improved, OP.

fj19 9

Don't ya hate it when the circle of life fails?

OP be a man! Suck it up and embrace the irony because life's a bitch and it can get a whole lot worse. I do admire you for laughing the first time though! :D

itsa_maddy 19

Why would you laugh after cutting your arm?