By Ian Artis - 12/07/2012 18:28 - United States

Today, I walked too close to a first-aid kit sticking out of a wall at work, and it cut my arm. Laughing at the irony, I opened it to get a band aid out. It was empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 864
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe the other guy who ran into it took the last bandaid

That's when you rip off a strap of materiel from your shirt and make your own bandage. You then go home and get some vodka on that shit, wouldn't want a nasty little ****** of an infection to show up. Down the rest of it like Hulk Hogan downs raw eggs and then wrap the little bitch of a cut in ******* nettles. Can you feel that pain OP? That's it working it's hardcore shit.


taylor317 7

You shouldn't be talking about people anyways, ydi

BradTheBrony 19

WHAT? Who were they talking about?

:0 you must clean it first! Lol boy scouts kicking in

BradTheBrony 19

I read that last part as "Lol, boy. Scout's kicking in!", and immediately pictured a flock of skinny Bostoners with black baseball caps, headsets, modified shotguns, pistols, and aluminum baseball bats kicking down a door.

Ngage953 10

I'm wondering why there is an empty first-aid kit

All i can think is, "the kit is a spy!"

Picture goes grey... SnapBack and blunt spins onto the first aid kit and thug lyfe appears at the bottom of your vision...