By Karmaisabitch - 18/05/2012 06:07 - United States - Boulder

Today, I wanted to prank my roommate. So, I thought it would be funny to take all the toilet paper out of our bathroom. She thought it would be funny to wipe with my cashmere sweater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 265
You deserved it 53 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought wiping with your sweater was funny too actually

nicesprites 4

Can't say you didn't ask for it.


Your roommate is ... a b****, sorry but seriously ?! That was a just a stupid prank, and what she did is just disgusting. F*** your life, OP, I don't think you deserved it.

She isn't a bitch. There was nothing to wipe with. All of us are pretty much brainwashed that it is dirty and gross not to wipe. If Op was laughing outside the door while she begged for paper (especially in a place she pays to live, probably paid for the paper) then I would have wiped with the person's sweater too.

I think OP completely deserved what she got, but if you have no TP you can always take a shower and rinse yourself

But why should the girl have to when there would have been toilet paper had Op not stolen it?

You absolutely deserved it... What a dumb, childish prank...

Wow if my roommates when I was younger got back at me like that for pranks I would probably be dead. I have never had a cashmere sweater, never saw the point of spending that much money on one. But she should have used just one of your socks or something that would have been equal payback.

things will always bite you in the ass !

Completely deserved... but what did she do that was so bad you needed to try and prank her?

perdix 29

What an asshole! An elegantly-cleaned asshole, but an asshole nevertheless. First rule of pranking: Cover you ass so your victim can't get instant revenge.

Idc that's still ****** up... You don't wipe your ass with someone else's stuff


At least you didn't hide the tampons. Who knows what possession of yours would've fallen prey to that bloody mess.