By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 19:11 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was about to make out with my boyfriend, so I quickly swallowed my gum. Moments later, I started choking on the gum, and ended up spitting it out into his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 094
You deserved it 40 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

queen_awks 16

You could have just spat it out instead...

So now your boyfriend knows that you spit instead of swallowing.


So now your boyfriend knows that you spit instead of swallowing.

NickaPLZ 26

Gotta give her credit though, because she DID try swallowing first...

Tali147 16

Don't you know that it can take up to 7 years for gum to pass through your body?? Not really... But seriously just spit it out.

Urban legend, #16. Snopes confirmed it. It may not be digested like food, but it moves through your digestive system with the rest of your food. OP, next time just tell your boyfriend you need to spit out your gum before you engage in a smooch session. Sheesh.

perdix 29

Looks like the foreshadowing of an awkward *******.

53 - It makes you look ridiculous (i.e. stupid) and it's a violation of FML's policy: "TXT language and out of context comments are forbidden"

Aww just tell him you were pretending to be a mother bird, and that he was your baby ^_^

10showgirl 16

Lol Idk why you got thumbed down. I think it's funny.

How long is a few moments? Were you not breathing during this time???

Let's see: we've got thumb, a bum, numb, or dumb(your comment, since 1 already said it).