By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 19:11 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was about to make out with my boyfriend, so I quickly swallowed my gum. Moments later, I started choking on the gum, and ended up spitting it out into his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 094
You deserved it 40 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

queen_awks 16

You could have just spat it out instead...

So now your boyfriend knows that you spit instead of swallowing.


It takes 7 years for your body to fully digest gum because it is just flavored plastic.

*sigh* No it doesn't. Why do you think people sometimes shit undigested food? Stuff gets moved along the intestines one way or the other. Available nutrients get absorbed on the way through, and whatever's left gets excreted. Stop propagating urban legends, please.

captainObviously 15

Yeah thats an old wives tale. U just poop it out like corn... That doesnt get fully digested and still moves through your body.

It wouldn't have killed the mood if you just excused yourself to throw the gum away... What you ended up doing not only killed the mood, but danced on its grave. Laziness always backfires. YDI.

foiled 15

Why wouldn't you just spit it out?

captainObviously 15

Some things are meant to be spit, not swallowed.

hahahaha!! why were u chewing gum anyway..dumbass

BellaBelle_fml 23

So what is so dumb about chewing gum exactly? It's not like she was all like, "Oh, I am going to make out now. I had better start chewing gum just to attempt to swallow it seconds later!" She was probably chewing it for a while before this happened…dumbass.

spliit_fml 8

Next time spit it out it takes less than a second and it would save you the embarrassment.

Gum is made for chewing not for swallowing!