By alsayslegit - 25/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was at a party, and I sat down on a chair. While conversing with friends, I shifted places on the chair, and broke it. Embarrassed, I then stood up and change chairs. After moving to the next chair, I broke that one too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 201
You deserved it 21 479

Same thing different taste

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A lot of gyms are having discounts this time of year. Just putting it out there.

It's only FYL if the chairs were in bad condition to begin with. If it was your weight caused it, then you might need to make some lifestyle changes...


#14 I made a typo, who ******* cares....what a gimp

OP probably is fat though. Or at least quite heavy. Chairs don't break just because someone sits on them unless the person is fat. It probably wasn't a dodgy chair, because it's unlikely that both the chairs s/he sat on were dodgy, it that s/he sat down on them with force, because it didn't break until they shifted their weight. The most likely and reasonable assumption is that s/he broke them because s/he's fat. If you're not, then that is some awful luck =/

awrsss :) thats such bad luck :) and i think everyone should stop being mean and acting like you're all the skinniest people in the world.

That is either bad luck, or that is gravities way of saying you need to take better care of your body, or else you'll find yourself permanently on your ass.

shelby ur 4" 11 110 , holy crap :p tinnnny, 6' 6 270 lol =_- i could of broken it 2, its just embaressing though. CHEESBURGER MOTHERFUCKKAA

you're not invited to my birthday, because i like playing musical chairs

There are no medical issues which cause obesity that can't be dealt with. Fat is just stored chemical energy. Eat less, use more energy = less fat. You absolutely can not store energy you don't eat. That aside, being fat has next to nothing to do with breaking chairs. Some chairs are just shit. I've broken about 20 chairs in the last 5 years, and I'm only 150 lbs. That's what I get for buying

no1sbusiness 0

I think the primary word here that people should be looking at in the post is "embarrassed." If this person wasn't overweight, they probably wouldn't have been embarrassed by the chair breaking, instead just annoyed or pissed at which point it wouldn't be an FML. And two in a row is a statistical anomaly that says to me the person is overweight. I'm not being mean, I'm not a skinny mini, but I haven't broken any chairs in my life time. And yeah, some chairs may be crap and perhaps the party host treats their furniture like shit so it just took the right person to completely break them. Maybe bad timing, maybe bad home maintenance/cheapness on the party hosts part, or maybe, just maybe, bad body maintenance on the OP's part.

It could easily not be a weight problem, but she was kind of "plopping" in the chair. In the past, with my friends, who were neither skinny but not fat either, we have broken chairs because we were plopping down in them instead of just sitting down gently.