By alsayslegit - 25/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was at a party, and I sat down on a chair. While conversing with friends, I shifted places on the chair, and broke it. Embarrassed, I then stood up and change chairs. After moving to the next chair, I broke that one too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 201
You deserved it 21 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A lot of gyms are having discounts this time of year. Just putting it out there.

It's only FYL if the chairs were in bad condition to begin with. If it was your weight caused it, then you might need to make some lifestyle changes...


i hate when i break chairs i always am very careful

ted_buckland 0

dont worry, that happened to my sister. she's only like 110 too, some chairs are just badly made. while you'll catch shit for it now, itll be funny sooner than you think.

wow you FYL. but YDI for being so fat! lose some weight fatty!

lmfao one time i was at my friends house.. bumped against the wall and completly cracked it. then i tried to show her mom how i did it, and i proceeded to crack another wall then i tried to show his dad... i dont think i need to tell you what happened next. so yeah shit happens FYL

Time to get your fatass in the gym! Hopefully they didnt make your fatass pay for the chairs so that can go towards your membership YDI!

This doesn't necessarily mean you are overweight. Chances are you were too forceful because you didn't know your own strength.

ted_buckland 0

being heavy doesnt mean you're fat. im 5'11" and 185 because i hit the gym every day. weight and girth arent necessarily synonymous

alsayslegit 0

hi. this is the poster. =] yes, i do say proceeding and conversing. ima girl. and i weigh 127 pounds. i just have bad luck. =] thats why i say, FML.