By alsayslegit - 25/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was at a party, and I sat down on a chair. While conversing with friends, I shifted places on the chair, and broke it. Embarrassed, I then stood up and change chairs. After moving to the next chair, I broke that one too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 201
You deserved it 21 479

Same thing different taste

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A lot of gyms are having discounts this time of year. Just putting it out there.

It's only FYL if the chairs were in bad condition to begin with. If it was your weight caused it, then you might need to make some lifestyle changes...


#51 I happen to know, being both my rents r docs and i myself and studying for the MCATs that and glandular problem does not mean you are fat, some people are fat with it but i personally have met many many many more people with said problem who are skinny, they did not even know it was a problem, they figured that's how much you must work out and that is how little you should eat people who say they have a glandular problem are probably lieing because they are embarrassed and are truly too lazy to do anything so they pity themselves i have nothing against overweight people (obese is based off a BMI, you dont have to look fat to be obese) but i will say fat/obese is NOT attractive, the "Inner beauty" stuff is crap.....girls judge guys based on looks all the time....fat girls do not fit under the definition of sexy or hot

Ok, first things first. YDI for being a fatass. That's understood. Second, STOP SAYING "PROCEEDED TO." When's the last time you heard that phrase in a normal, everyday conversation? Not to mention "I was conversing with some friends." You were TALKING to some friends. Stop trying to sound smarter than you need to be. It's obnoxious.

AfricanChick 0

I've done this SO many times, haha. I'm skinny, but the chairs are always about to break and I just happen to be the person to sit on them. Not really a FML,unless you're fat, then it's kind of embarassing.

OP: haha wow that is embarrassing. I am so sorry that happened. and to #66, some people actually use "proceeded" in everyday language. I know I do. And there is nothing wrong with the word "conversing" either. What is obnoxious is people complaining about these things in a FML..

OP: I am so sorry that happened. I am embarrassed for you. To #66: There is nothing wrong with the word "proceeded" there are people that actually use it in everyday language. I know I do. There is nothing wrong with the word "conversing" either, some people actually use these words everyday and have a more extensive vocabulary than you. What is "obnoxious" is people like you complaining about the word usage in these FMLs. [edit] sorry this posted twice. I didn't think the first one went through....

#69--you should be sorry motha ******!!!!!!! lol jk :)

either you were sitting on some really shitty ass chairs or you are one fatass bitch who needs to lose weight asap to save a chairs life. I'm guessing youre just a fatass.

Meow34 0

You also deserved it for being the millionth person to say 'proceeded' in their FML.